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​Serving Women and Children of Baltimore City Since 1919
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The mission of Susanna Wesley House, Inc. is to provide transitional housing for homeless women in need and their dependent children; to provide a safe, clean home; and ensure a viable program to assist families to obtain independent living.



"I have been involved in many boards and received tremendous satisfaction from volunteering on the working board of SWH. Many people don't realize it but there are so few places for homeless mothers in Baltimore to stay where they can keep their children with them. Most have to give them up to foster care or other family members who might be involved in the cycle of addiction, homelessness, and abuse. It is so important to keep families together and for women to learn the skills not only to take care of themselves but also to support and raise their children successfully! Many times the SWH is the first real home these children know and long term this helps break the cycle of homelessness when someday they will remember this positive experience where they felt safe and knew a better way of life for the first time in some cases! Keep up the great work SWH!"

Victoria Ellen


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